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Name: Carolyn McGonigle

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Barclays exceed all expectations for me!

I've had a Barclays Bank account for a number of years now. Having had over my lifetime a Lloyds Tsb account, RBS and also Halifax and First Direct. My favourite by far are Barclays. I actually have a lot to thank them for because after a very messy costly divorce I was left in financial dire straits and just just about get a basic account with them. However, over the years, having seen how my account has been run, they trusted me by offering me a personal loan. This was my first step back up trying to repair my (by now) awful credit history. I'd gone from a home owner to feeling like an absolute leper when Lloyds bank would not even allow me a bank card that would access another link machine, plus it was this horrid green colour that everyone recognised as being a card when you had poor credit. Barclays changed that from the off by allowing me to have a personalised card and accessing other cash machines right away. You'll never know how much that little bit of difference made to my life in terms of not feeling marginalised. Anyway back to the now, I'm on my second personal loan and my credit is back up where it pretty much was 15 years ago. I can only thank Barclays for helping me to feel human in a time when I was very low in my life. It's the smallest thing sometimes that goes the longest way. Cheers! Reviewed on: 22nd January 2019
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Carolyn McGonigle