How do our reviews work?
As the UK's most comprehensive financial services review site, we provide uniquely deep datasets across a range of metrics.
Unlike other review sites, we only collect reviews for the financial services sector.
And we don't conduct pre-arranged feedback panels - we collect 24/7 data from honest, unbiased customer reviews.
That means our data is relevant, up to date, and accurate, informed by customers' recent memories and experiences.
We pride ourselves both on our financial services expertise and the quality and integrity of our reviews.
Genuine, fair, and held to the highest of standards - our 2 million-wide (and counting) dataset is the basis for genuinely insightful business intelligence to help you build trust and increase conversions.
How we collect our reviews
Our reviews
Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions about how Smart Money People works for businesses. Can't see the answer you're looking for? Get in touch below and we'll be happy to answer any queries.
How do you collect reviews?
We collect honest, current reviews from financial services customers in real-time - customers can leave reviews whenever they like, rather than waiting for somebody to ask them for feedback.
Any customer can leave a review, as long as they're over 18 and have a valid account. This helps ensure the quality and integrity of our reviews.
We also work with financial services companies to combine user reviews with any feedback they've collected, to build a fair, complete picture of their audience.
Can you offer a bespoke service?
Yes, we offer tailored surveys. We'll work with you to identify what you want to achieve from your survey, then develop bespoke question sets to help you get the results you need.
Why do reviews matter?
Trust matters in the financial services industry. 82%* of customers say that online reviews have influenced a buying decision, and 93%* search for reviews before making a purchase. So it benefits businesses to make their reviews readily accessible. Doing so helps prove their credibility, builds trust with their audience, and improves customer conversion by as much as 133%*.
* via FinanceDigest
What's your review policy?
We have rules around who can leave a review (employees and competitors aren't allowed, for example) and what reviewers can include in their review (to keep things fair and reasonable). Check our user guidelines for more information.