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Cat P's Reviews (1)

Bureacratic and poorly run

Moved my savings here after finding them on a maoney-saving site. Offered a good interest rate on an online account. I wanted instant access as am doing up my house and need to pay builders etc. Have tried to move funds to a current account but was made to jump through hoops: forms to be filled in which then had to be certified. Luckily, I have a friend who is a doctor so was able to get this done free of charge. Forms were all sent via snail mail which defeats the object of an online account. Hence, this took days rather than the minutes when amending details on a laptop. Forms also failed to arrive. I've asked them to close the account now. So, the 'instant' access has taken almost a month now. Oh, and they manged to leave a £1000 of mine in a 'suspended' account which made me even more frantic as I'd thought it had been lost. What is more, while they do pick up the phone quickly, you are then left on hold for 5-10 minutes which is far too long when you're paying for the call. Reviewed on: 4th May 2017
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Cat P