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christine reid's Reviews (2)

Excellent Customer Service

I have had car insurance with Aviva now for a few years and have thought about moving to another company sometimes. I always check around when my renew comes in to see if I can get a better deal. Some quotes appear cheaper but then when you add all the extras I already get they are much the same cost. I like the customer service at Aviva, there is always a helpful person to make sure you receive the information you want. No going around in circles getting passed around different department. Reviewed on: 9th August 2016
christine reid's avatar
christine reid

Basic Bank Account

Great basic account for young people and anyone on a tight budget. It is so important these days to have a bank account and this one is by far the best. The card does not rely on credit rating, offers the ability to pay by direct debit and use cash machines. Excellent Reviewed on: 1st June 2016
christine reid's avatar
christine reid