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Anonymous's Reviews (1)


Yes they offer the lowest price at first. Into my second year with them unfortunately now. First year only done 5000 miles out of the 6000 I had. with that in mind I then go into the second year with a new 6000 miles. My car says I have done 10000 so I have 2000 Miles left on average. According to more than I only have 1000 And I am now äóìexpectedäó to exceed by 2500 which is Stupid amounts to pay as a 19 year old. Not only that, the scores provided are fales. First year had +10 on the smoothness category, come to the second year policy from the start the smoothness is always -10. I always question how someoneäó»s driving can change that much by a year especially when Iäó»m a responsible driver, never speed and never race or rev my car. This is leading to me having to pay an extra 2000-3000 pound. Wouldnäó»t recommend them! Reviewed on: 17th December 2017
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