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Paul Jones's Reviews (2)

Everything in it's right place

Money Dashboard really makes keeping track of your finances simple; with a number of credit cards, current accounts, mortage accounts and savings accounts and ISA's to keep tabs on, being able to look at everything in one place is extremely convenient. Not to mention the piece of mind this brings from a fraud/security point of view. Reviewed on: 18th December 2018
Paul Jones's avatar
Paul Jones

In The Money

Money Dashboard does something truly remarkable; it makes numbers and data interesting. The app is beautifully designed, slick to use and hits the balance between detail and usefulness perfectly. The ability to bring all of your finances together and interrogate the data behind your transactions means managing your money has never been so easy. Once you've used it, you'll wonder why something like it hasn't existed for the past couple of decades. Reviewed on: 2nd February 2018
Paul Jones's avatar
Paul Jones