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Tamsin Kilgour's Reviews (1)

Inclusive insurance based on sensible questions (not a label)

I have used Good To Go insurance after having other applications for travel insurance (both 'standard' included by bank accounts and e.g Post Office which I had previously been able to get). I have mental health issues and, as isn't uncommonin that setting, there has been some debate re diagnosis. Good to Go insurance (I took myself through a few scenarios because of uncertainty but with v consistent outcomes) appeared to ask v relevant questions to assess level of risk rather than making assumptions on the base of a diagnosis. e.g a question re: hospitalisation where the lack of admission for 15 years was accepted/interpreted as low risk of that happening whilst I was abroad. I'm aware of friends with epilepsy who have struggled to get travel insurance despite zero fits for over a decade (i.e. low risk) as nowhere in applicatio system to make that stability clear. An insurance company that doesn't rely on labels but recognises that people are individuals and assesses them as such is refreshing. (I've ended up advising friends to avoid getting even the 'common cold' of mental health in their medical records due to risk of excluding them from various insurances indefinitely regardless of level of depression/impact on level of functioning). Being pragmatic re labels and just using them to create appropriate targetted follow-up questions seems to me to not only indicate an inclusive service, but one that had insight into the fact that every label comes with individual experiences and risk level. Reviewed on: 15th September 2016
Tamsin Kilgour's avatar
Tamsin Kilgour