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Chrissie D's Reviews (1)

Referral links: failure to honour the use of a link

Referral links: you click on it and navigate to a dedicated landing page. It’s not the card you want, so where do you go to not break the link? Top left button or buttons in the footer of the landing page? Both take you to the same place to see other card options but my hunch is the links available in the footer don’t retain the referral link and break it - so why is this route possible on a landing page that offers the same thing at the top? Two ways of achieving the same thing shouldn’t exist - you break the link without knowing it. Complaints “the marketing team would know if there was an issue. The link wasn’t used (ie your fault) and I can’t test it myself to confirm your theory. Complaint closed and not honouring points.” Wonderful - I’m closing my account after 13 years of loyalty as a result of such poor handling and asserting I’m not capable of clicking a link. Reviewed on: 3rd April 2024
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Chrissie D