GuardianCard reviews
GuardianCard reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Excellent based on 2 product reviews
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GuardianCard reviews can help you decide if it's the right fit for your family. With GuardianCard you put the money you need into an account with them and then you, or trusted friends and family can use GuardianCard to spend money safely.
Reviews for GuardianCard
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A small price to pay for peace of mind
Mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year and it's been a steep learning curve as we all come to terms with the changes this has... Mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year and it's been a steep learning curve as we all come to terms with the changes this has made to her everyday life. Money management was just another worry as she would often take money out of the cash point and then put it somewhere in the house for safe keeping - then promptly forget she had taken money out and then get out more. We would find cash dotted around the house! With GuardianCard we are able to monitor and limit when she withdraws cash or spends. It also helps that we can have our own named cards, so do shopping for her without having to transfer money from her account to ours. It's just so much easier. We thought long and hard about whether it was worth paying the monthly fee, but if you think how much it would cost if she was defrauded or lost money then it really is worth every penny. Read more Read less
Excellent app and website is easy to use
Excellent app and website is easy to use. I like the clear tracking of spending and seeing past payments. I have reached out to GuardianCard... Excellent app and website is easy to use. I like the clear tracking of spending and seeing past payments. I have reached out to GuardianCard a number of times by email and chat via their website with odd questions and they have always been helpful. Read more Read less
Products from GuardianCard
Showing all products offered by GuardianCard
Prepaid Card
by GuardianCard
Prepaid Card
by GuardianCard
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