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Claim your page

You'll need to claim your page on Smart Money People to access our free features. It's quick to get started, and once you're set up you can start reading and responding to customer reviews and build a picture of how your customers describe you.

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The benefits of owning your page

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Become verified

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Receive a notification whenever a customer leaves a new review

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Manage your reviews and build a relationship with your audience

Claim your page today

Reviews help you convert sales, build your online credibility, build trust with your audience, and showcase your customer service successes.

Why reviews matter

84%* of consumers trust reviews from other consumers

69%* of consumers are likely to change their mind after reading reviews

More people use reviews (23%) to decide which financial products to use than asking an adviser (17%)*

*Smart Money People research, October 2022

How you can collect reviews

Links icon

Set up verified links

Request feedback, then track your reviews.

Widget icon

Customisable widgets

Add widgets (company or product) to your site.

Offline icon

Offline reviews count too

Collect data from branches and other offline sources.

Understanding your NPS

  • Star icon

    What factors are affecting your Net Promoter Score? Translate your customer reviews data into NPS insights so you can see what's influencing things and how you can keep working on it.

  • Graph icon

    Compare your product or company's NPS benchmark results against specific groups of peers or the wider industry.

  • Data icon

    NPS data is captured in realtime - always available, always-on and always up to date.

Consumer duty

  • Brain icon

    As specialists in financial services consumer insight, we can help you meet your Consumer Duty requirements and keep your customers feeling supported.

  • Document icon

    We have eight years’ worth of historical data to help you understand how your customers feel, what they want, and how you can provide them with the best possible experience.

Engaged customer

Keep your customers engaged

It's important that your customers can find you when they’re looking to buy a policy or open an account. Providing links to your website makes life easier for your customer, and increases your conversion rates. Encourage them to follow you on social media too (again, including links to your social pages).

Find the right plan

Find the best pricing option for your business, so you can start harnessing the power of collective wisdom.

Our other solutions

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Customer insights

Our proprietary analysis transforms customer feedback into useful data, generating superior insights and intelligence for your company.

Find out more
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Driving sales & conversions

Customers use reviews to help them choose products, so it's important to make sure your reviews are easily-accessible.

Find out more