Paragon Car Finance reviews
Paragon Car Finance reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Terrible based on 1 product reviews
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Looking for Paragon Car Finance reviews from people like you? Read about this car finance provider, a part of Paragon Bank (based in Solihull) to see what customers are saying about their rates, customer service, and anything else relating to their car finance products. Or if you’ve had car finance from Paragon in the past, share a review of your own and let others know what you thought! Sharing your experiences will guide others.
Reviews for Paragon Car Finance
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Avoid unprofessional and rude
Very rude and unprofessional staff. Paid the full balance a week ago. As final settlement figure. They called me today thay still need to pay... Very rude and unprofessional staff. Paid the full balance a week ago. As final settlement figure. They called me today thay still need to pay £185. When i asked clarification the lady Sam did not wanted to listen and forcing me to pay. I request for a letter explaining me why this payment she became very rude. Avoid them rude and unprofessional Read more Read less
Products from Paragon Car Finance
Showing all products offered by Paragon Car Finance
Car Finance
by Paragon Car FinanceWondering if you should use Paragon Car Finance for your next car loan? Read on to see what our reviews, written by people like you, say about using this company....
Car Finance
by Paragon Car FinanceWondering if you should use Paragon Car Finance for your next car loan? Read on to see what our reviews, written by people like you, say about using this company....
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