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Review of the Gallagher, Insurance Broker:
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Rude and hopeless.

As far as I know I don't do any business with this company but they sent me a cheque in the post. I telephoned them twice. The first time the operator put me through to the person named on the letter. Their automated system then went around in circles until it said "goodbye". The second time, after explaining to the operator what had happened, I was put through to another member of the team. This lady was really upset that I had been put through to her direct line. I started explaining that they had sent me a cheque but she cut in and gave me the impression that it was my fault that I had been put through to her. She then talked over me making it clear that she was not going to listen to me or deal with my query. If I did do any business with Arthur J Gallagher I would not be continuing with them. Their staff are rude and hopeless. Reviewed on: 30th March 2022

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