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david glover


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All reviews (3)
Review of the Harpenden Building Society, Savings:
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Their on-line service works like a dream.

Their on-line service works like a dream. Never the least problem logging in or doing what you want to do - unlike so many others. Communication is also very good and now enhanced by their new reular newsletter Reviewed on: 4th February 2024
Reply from Harpenden Building Society Hi David, Wow! Please can i ask you to write my end of year appraisal for 2024! I'm delighted you are pleased with us, and this was fantastic to read. We're thrilled that you appear to be satisfied with out online service, however we are also acutely aware that there are some big improvements we need to make to this. We'll keep you informed through our newsletter! In the meantime if i can be of any further assistance or wish to discuss your feedback further then please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Response date: 5th February 2024
Harpenden Building Society Logo
Harpenden Building Society
Review of the Metro Bank, Current Account:
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Customer Service puts the traditional high street banks to shame.

It was relatively easy to open an account. When you go in there are 4 people serving at the counter who are very efficient. You are normally in and out within 5 minutes. At my previous bank - despite being in the town centre they seemed to think that making people queue for half an hour was acceptable. Reviewed on: 12th March 2023
Review of the Allica, Savings:
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I was impressed that they increased the rate on my notice account rather than hoping I wouldn't notice there was a new account with better rates as most banks do.

I have dealt with them on-line with no issues whatsoever. Reviewed on: 12th February 2023

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