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Everything you want to know about notice cash ISAs
3 minute read
Updated 15th September 2023 | Published 14th September 2023

From interest rates to access restrictions, there’s so much to consider when taking out a new savings account. Can I make withdrawals? Do I need to give notice on the account? Will I lose interest?
In this blog, we give you the lowdown on notice cash ISAs. Keep reading to find out if this type of savings account would suit your needs.
When you’re thinking about where to put your savings there are a huge number of options. From traditional deposit accounts to fixed-term bonds, and from ISAs to stocks and shares investments, all have their particular benefits and disadvantages.
There are many different aspects to be considered. For example, how accessible do you need your money to be? Do you want any interest you earn to be tax-free? Are you just looking for the highest interest rate? The list goes on and on.
One type of account that ticks many of the boxes is the notice cash ISA, a product that’s available from many providers.
What are notice cash ISAs?
ISAs, or Individual Savings Accounts, are accounts in which the interest earned is completely tax-free. There are various kinds of ISAs. Ranging from cash ISAs which are standard savings accounts to stocks and shares ISAs in which your money is invested in stocks and bonds. There’s also the Lifetime ISA which is designed to help young people save for a first home.
A notice cash ISA is an account where you can save up to £20,000 a year, tax-free. However, it has a set notice period between requesting a withdrawal and receiving the money.
How do notice cash ISAs work?
Every tax year from 6 April to 5 April you have an annual ISA allowance of £20,000. You can put all of this, or just some of it, in a cash ISA. You can do this in the form of a lump sum, making payments when you have the spare cash. Or by setting up a regular standing order.
You’ll earn interest at a variable rate and this will be paid either monthly or annually depending on the terms and conditions of the account.
In the new tax year, you’ll be able to pay more money into the account or open a new one.
But what if, at any point, you need to withdraw cash from your notice ISA? You’ll have to apply a set number of days in advance and won’t receive the money until this period has expired. In return, you’ll get a higher interest rate than you would from a no-notice account.
How many notice cash ISAs can I open?
You can open one notice cash ISA per tax year or you can continue paying into an existing one. Many people choose to open a different one each year to take advantage of better rates that are being offered by other providers.
What’s the notice period for a cash ISA?
This depends on the account in question. The shortest notice period you will find is probably 30 days. Some require a full 180 days before they’ll release your money. The longer the notice period, the higher the interest rate is likely to be. This can be a factor in your decision-making when choosing the best notice account for your circumstances.
You may be able to invest in a notice cash ISA or a fixed rate ISA, but most will require a larger amount of funds. A regular savings account may be best suited for your needs.
Need a bit more guidance when searching for the right savings account? Why not read the reviews left by our Smart Money People community?
Written by Errolyn
Senior Content and Social Media Executive
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