![ logo](/uploads/avatars/brands/1396.png) reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Good based on 4 product reviews
Latest positive rating
Tk you
I want continue for the very good cooperating and very very to support for the very good review for the bad thing
![{"display":"","full_name":"","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/images\/default_new.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/images/default_new.png)
Latest negative rating
Money did NOT arrive
Terrible service my Euros have not arrived and there telling me to start ringing royal mail to find it! I will never use these again
![{"display":"John Young","full_name":"John Young","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/uploads\/avatars\/users\/134687.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/uploads/avatars/users/134687.png)
Want to read (part of City Forex) reviews written by people just like you? See what they're saying on Smart Money People, whether they've been abroad for 2 weeks, or are a frequent business traveller, our community shares their reviews so that you can be better informed about your travel money options. Have you used since it launched in June 2016? Please write a review of the company and help other people decide if it's the right travel money option for their needs!
Reviews for
Showing 4 of 4 company reviews
Tk you
I want continue for the very good cooperating and very very to support for the very good review for the bad thing
Money did NOT arrive
Terrible service my Euros have not arrived and there telling me to start ringing royal mail to find it! I will never use these again
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