LendingCrowd reviews

LendingCrowd reviews
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Review summary
People rate this company as Excellent based on 9 product reviews
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LendingCrowd reviews can help you to become Smart Money People by finding out what other lenders and borrowers have to say. LendingCrowd is a peer-to-peer lending platform, matching investors looking for a better return on their investment with SMEs seeking small business loans. Smart Money People is the place for LendingCrowd reviews. Help us to increase trust and transparency in financial services by writing your review LendingCrowd review today.
Reviews for LendingCrowd
Showing 9 of 9 company reviews
Great Startup that support the UK economy
They match investors to UK SME supporting the UK economy backbone.
Simple & Interesting
One of my more interesting investments over the last few years. I enjoy reading about each firm & making my own mind up rather than... One of my more interesting investments over the last few years. I enjoy reading about each firm & making my own mind up rather than the automatic option. Overall, it has been a positive experience, with higher than expected profit. Read more Read less
Products from LendingCrowd
Showing all products offered by LendingCrowd
by LendingCrowdOur LendingCrowd Peer Lending reviews can help you to find out what life as a LendingCrowd customer is really like. And if you have experience of using this product, why...
by LendingCrowdOur LendingCrowd Peer Lending reviews can help you to find out what life as a LendingCrowd customer is really like. And if you have experience of using this product, why...
Business Loan
by LendingCrowdLending Crowd Business Loan reviews from Smart Money People can help you to find out what customers really think about this product. If you've used Lending Crowd's business loan product,...
Business Loan
by LendingCrowdLending Crowd Business Loan reviews from Smart Money People can help you to find out what customers really think about this product. If you've used Lending Crowd's business loan product,...
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