LendInvest reviews
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LendInvest reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Good based on 7 product reviews
Latest positive rating
Generally OK.
Generally OK, one or two hiccoughs which have not proved fatal.
![{"display":"David ","full_name":"David ","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/images\/default_new.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/images/default_new.png)
Latest negative rating
Be Careful before you lose your home and money.
I honestly don't know where to start, have previously used lendinvest bridge loans twice but my last experience was not great at all. I brought... I honestly don't know where to start, have previously used lendinvest bridge loans twice but my last experience was not great at all. I brought a property from auction and contacted them before I bid and was told that will be no problem. However after I won the auction lot and made the application it took 2 weeks for survey and than they refused to lend because according to the survey it's at NIL Valuations because the property is located next to a Mot center. But the real reason I believe was because one of my previous loan was late as the secured property did not sell in time.However I paid the loan from sale of another property 6 months later and all interest paid monthly. The survey was conducted to what they required and its fabricated. I did manage to get another bridgloan company and completed just in time but feeling of losing 25k was awful. And i may pursue for the fees of survey as the current lender has done survey and the value was more than what I paid at auction. I normally do not leave negative reviews but I believe my review may help others in similar situations. If you consider using lendinvest please make sure you assess your previous experience with lendinvest so they will not do the same as you may lose your deposits and other associated fees. Read more Read less
![{"display":"Akthar Islam","full_name":"Akthar Islam","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/uploads\/avatars\/users\/718928.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/uploads/avatars/users/718928.png)
About LendInvest
LendInvest is the UK’s leading marketplace for property finance and one of Europe’s largest non-bank mortgage lenders. You can read LendInvest reviews here, and if you're a customer, please do leave your own review.
Reviews for LendInvest
Showing 7 of 7 company reviews
Generally OK.
Generally OK, one or two hiccoughs which have not proved fatal.
Be Careful before you lose your home and money.
I honestly don't know where to start, have previously used lendinvest bridge loans twice but my last experience was not great at all. I brought... I honestly don't know where to start, have previously used lendinvest bridge loans twice but my last experience was not great at all. I brought a property from auction and contacted them before I bid and was told that will be no problem. However after I won the auction lot and made the application it took 2 weeks for survey and than they refused to lend because according to the survey it's at NIL Valuations because the property is located next to a Mot center. But the real reason I believe was because one of my previous loan was late as the secured property did not sell in time.However I paid the loan from sale of another property 6 months later and all interest paid monthly. The survey was conducted to what they required and its fabricated. I did manage to get another bridgloan company and completed just in time but feeling of losing 25k was awful. And i may pursue for the fees of survey as the current lender has done survey and the value was more than what I paid at auction. I normally do not leave negative reviews but I believe my review may help others in similar situations. If you consider using lendinvest please make sure you assess your previous experience with lendinvest so they will not do the same as you may lose your deposits and other associated fees. Read more Read less
Products from LendInvest
Showing all products offered by LendInvest
Self-select Platform
by LendInvestLendInvest self-select Platform reviews on Smart Money People help people like you thinking about what life is like as a LendInvest customer to find this out. What is customer service...
Self-select Platform
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