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Christopher McKendrick


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All reviews (6)
Review of the RBS, Graduate Current Account:
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Does the job

No interest on credit in the account, but the arranged overdraft charges aren't as bad as they used to be at least. Still not a huge fan due the massive taxpayer bailout though. Reviewed on: 25th November 2019
Review of the RBS, Graduate Current Account:
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Their overdraft charges have improved if nothing else. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018
Review of the RBS, Graduate Current Account:
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Has definitely improved

I used to level some withering criticism of RBS, their charges, interest rates, customer services etc, but they have improved. Just recently I was repaid money that I had withdrawn and forgotten to take from the cash point... in 2009! Their overdraft charges have improved too, and their app is rather good. Though, they really need to sort out their desktop based online banking: For some reason that beggers belief, you fill out the various passwords and codes, only for them to tell you they have moved your login page, and then they make you do the longwinded process again. This second, correct login page is absolutely impossible to find except via putting your info in and then being forced to do it again at the correct page. It's such a basic problem but is hugely irritating. Reviewed on: 14th November 2017
Review of the Hastings Direct, Car Insurance:
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So far so good!

Best quote price by a long margin and easy order process, but only been with them since September 1st so my review doesn't' contain any info about how they perform in the event of a claim being made. Reviewed on: 4th September 2017
Review of the RBS, Basic Current Account:
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Suppose it's not a bad current account

... but the interest is awful and they fairly consistently change the T&Cs as it suits them. I'd probably feel much better about my bank, where it not for the fact that they technically owe me, as a taxpayer, several tens of thousands of pounds after their bailout. Reviewed on: 4th April 2017

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