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Anna Mac


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Review of the Emergency Assist, Breakdown Cover:
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Buy elsewhere

I have had long running issues with this company, they are APPALLING. They have lied on a number of occasions to cover their back, most recently they LIED IN A SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST RESPONSE and have failed to respond to requests as to why they lied. I had Premium cover (still have as they have failed to cancel my policy following my request to in February) - they refused to send assistance when I got a puncture unless I paid a minimum of £125 (I declined to), even though their literature states that flat tyres and punctures are covered under all levels of cover and I met all the terms - they failed to respond to a postal complaint that they received, and signed for, in February. They only responded when I filed a second complaint via Resolver and didn’t refer to some issues that were raised in the postal complaint. On receiving professional advice, I made a Subject Access Request, questioning when they received my postal complaint and responded to it, along with the current status of my policy. Tom Coates responded to the SAR stating that they received my postal complaint on 16 April, after I made my further complaint via Resolver. I have signed evidence they received my letter on 26 February, and they were sent a copy of that on 16 April but still chose to LIE. I have questioned why they have lied - NO RESPONSE. They manipulate their Trustpilot score by getting people to review them before using their service. THERE ARE VAST AMOUNTS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS ON THE INTERNET FROM PEOPLE THEY LEFT STRANDED, THEY LITERALLY MAKE UP THE TERMS AS THEY GO ALONG. *** If you do decide to take cover, use a cashback site, eg Topcashback or the like, you will get 55% of your premium back. Hit them where it hurts, they only want your money for nothing, a really nasty company. Reviewed on: 5th July 2024

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