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Review of the Kroo, Current Account:
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Awful experience

This message is for the untrustworthy CEOs who might be reading this review, know exactly what is going on and hiding from their customers. Deeply, deeply worried about this bank and its future sustainability. I predict it is going to go into administration and take my money with them given the similarity of our experience with other account holders. Given the growing list of previous reviews citing theft from the account, I strongly suspect kroo will turn on their account account holders and wrongly accuse them of leaking their security details to allow theft, perversely hold account holders responsible and thus not be liable themselves, just like the Post Office scandal. I am feeling sick at the thought of that as I have lodged a substantial balance in the account which was my hard earned money. absolutely awful. Without warning, account frozen. Going by recent experience of other account holders, it appears I'm not the only one. Their licence to bank needs to be reviewed. My account has been frozen for three weeks! With no reason, no resolution, no timelines. Financial regulations state that there must be a final response from the bank to its customer within 15 days for complaints about payment services. This day has come and gone without any final response letter. Kroo haven't even used the word "frozen" to describe my account so it has been left up to me to define and decipher the status of my account. No reason I meet criteria for this action to be taken upon referring to their terms and conditions. Refusal to speak with managers despite asking on several occasions. When pressed on timelines for resolution, they claimed none could be offered. Instead complaint passed from one rep to another. Further insulted by requests asking me to rate my interaction with them. Devastating and serious impact on all my accounts and credit history. I had a perfect credit history up until this point: mortgages payment has failed to be made for the first time in almost 24 years. The administration to fix this will take months upon months. Dire response to complaints. Poor management of written complaint made over 2 weeks ago. Wreaking havoc with my finances. Offices closed for phone calls. Email unresponded to. Had to call and failed security despite answering all questions correctly. Multiple direct debits failed to the point where my internet provider restricted our access ad credit card blocked. This was the first time this has ever been experienced in more than 3 decades of never missing payments. Kroo have been citing "security" for weeks. Have immediately complied with all security measures Kroo have requested. Still waiting to access my money weeks later. It's a total joke! And the large amount in the account makes me sick in my stomach to think I cannot access my own money. Very telling that kroo were quicker to respond to negative review left on Trust Pilot than they were to my flood of emails and telephone calls demanding to know when I could access my own money again. Their response asking me to reach out to them shows that they don't know I have already done so on numerous occasions without successful resolution. Reviewed on: 15th August 2024

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