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Steve M


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Review of the Home Protect, Home Insurance:
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In January 2024, during a cold snap, the water main supply pipe for our property burst. We were relieved to discover that our insurance with Home Protect covers the repair of the pipe, but the relief was short lived. Nearly nine months later and our burst pipe still hasn't been fixed, and there has been hundreds of litres of water leeching into the ground daily during this period. My wife and I have spent hours on the phone trying to get this issue resolved, without success. To make matters worse, the handling of our claim has been handed off to several different companies, each supposedly necessary to ensure the matter is resolved, but sadly it has been months of obfuscation, misinformation, zero communication, and a litany of excuses and ineptitude. The only communication we have received is to say that "we are waiting for a report," or "this is being escalated so we can get it resolved," or "we're waiting to hear from X, so we can get yet another report, which will say exactly the same thing as all the other numerous reports which we've been waiting for, but nobody knows what to report, or who to report it to, because we haven't got a clue about anything!" We currently have an Olympic sized swimming pool forming right next to our house, with the potential risk of water damage to the foundations, and when we try to convey the seriousness of the matter in hope of action being taken, we are just met with silence, or a poor attempt to convince us that they are taking the matter seriously. I look forward to Home Protect responding to this review with the usual generic response, designed to feign concern. Reviewed on: 17th September 2024

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