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John M


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Review of the TSB, Business Banking:
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Be very careful

Ok there is my experience with TSB that I will share everywhere is possible till I get compensation or someone from TSB go to the jail for taking overpower against TSB customers!!!! For all TSB customers listening this !!!! ( and change your bank as soon as possible ) I was trying to transfer money for car that my wife purchased and that was less than £2000… while transferring money for my purchase my account was frozen (blocked) by TSB !!! I couldn’t finish my transaction and a huge deal that I had it’s gone because TSB bank won’t let me pay for my purchase!!!! Than listening this please !!!! I called to TSB bank for explanation and asked for immediately unlocking my account!!! It took me 3hours before I get someone to speak !!! Than I get questions like for what I want to pay for .. which is not a bank business to know for what is it !!! that was only £1800 not a £30k .. than finally I told them ok that was a payment for a car that I’ve seen already and like to go ahead and pay for it … TSB told me that I can’t pay for a car till I get it delivered to my address than I can call them again and they will unlock that payment ( please note when I called TSB that was Monday and car should be delivered on Friday .. so to be clear they told me that I have to wait 4-days and call TSB when car will be delivered home at Friday than I have to call TSB back tell them that car is there I’m happy and please let me pay for my car!!!! This is simply over power by Bank TSB which is scandalous and illegal !!!! There is no chance that someone will drive 360miles to mine for free to show me a car !!! I’m warning all customers!!!! Change your bank!!!! To be very clear I’m a 16-years TSB customer.. TSB never had a single issue with me!!! Scandalous!!! Reviewed on: 29th December 2024

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