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Martin Butters


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Review of the Provident Insurance, Car Insurance:
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A total disaster

Just an unmitigated disaster from beginning to end. Took insurance out in January. A car hit me on June 1st, writing my car off and gave in writing that it was his fault. 10 weeks later and Provident still haven't sorted the excess out. Not only that, they never call me to keep me in the loop. What's more, they did everything possible to pay less than the vehicle was worth. And here is the real funny part, they wouldn't pay the full money as apparently it was overpriced - by MoneyBarn, who are part of the same group. The accident which the other driver admitted responsibility for has cost me thousands and not helped by Provident who only seem to care about getting payments (which unlike them, I always made promptly) Went to but a new car today and had to stop as couldn't list my no claims but had to list my accident. So, results all came back with £3000 excess and massive payments. Thanks for nothing Provident. Reviewed on: 8th August 2019

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