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Review of the BrightHouse, Loan:
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overpriced and horrilbe

I have been with brighthouse for 3 years and never missed a payment, i recently had 2 surgeries meaning i cant work for awhile and will be on universal credit until healthy again. I told brighthouse my payment would be 3 weeks later due to this and the balance would be cleared on the day of the universal credit payment. 2 weeks in to the 3 weeks i told them i would be late by and i had 3 visits on 3 different days from their "boys" asking when I am going to pay threatening they can take back my items, which btw they couldn't with out a court order due to the amount already paid. Horrible company the interest rates along with the delivery and installation fees and insurance they charge are insane. If you need an item and your down on your luck go to fair for you instead much better experience avoid brighthouse with all costs! Reviewed on: 21st October 2019
Review of the Fair For You, Loan:
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so much better then other stores

i originally went to them for a bed as i was paying way to much to brighthouse with interest rates and the charges they add for insurance and delivery on top. I have now moved my last item with brighthouse a washing machine over to fair for you and will be sending it back to brighthouse and finally be done with them, after being a customer with brighthouse for 3 years i missed 3 weekly payments which i told them i would miss and would pay on the day i got my first benefit payment as i had to have 2 surgeries and couldnt work and then sent a guy to my door 3 times in one week, i cleared the balance on the day i said i would so after that i moved companies, fair for you do not charge insane amounts they always work with you when you have problems they do not belittle you or make you feel like you have done something wrong when your struggling they are great and i have recommended them to everyone i know! Reviewed on: 21st October 2019

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