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Review of the Footman James, Classic Car Insurance Broker:
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Outrageous attempt to rip me off

Utter rip off. A failed attempt to rip me off after 8 years by trying to charge me over 51% (£182.71) more for classic car insurance than that provided by another well known and renowned classic car insurance provider. I have been with Footman James for over 8 years for classic car insurance. Unfortunately, they decided to use that longevity in order to try and rip me off with the upmost contempt. I can only assume that those 8 years loyalty suggested to Footman James that I am either stupid or gullible or too lazy to shop around. Probably all three. I received a classic car renewal quote of these people showing a marked increase in my premium that I believed could not be justified. A premium quoted at £436.91. Upon questioning their price they stated that if I came back to them with a cheaper quote off another supplier they would look at their pricing. I came back to them with a quote at £100.91 cheaper for increased insurance provisions. I also informed them, as I had the other provider, that I had had a modern car wrote off by a lorry in December 2019 as a no fault and settled claim. A no fault settled claim as my car had been parked in a car park, empty with no one in it when a lorry decided to drive over it. That declaration was like a green light for them to really treat me like a fool. Upon this notice they decided to stick on a further £98.80, increasing the quote from £436.91 to £535.71. They even threw at me the added insult of claiming this further £98.80 increase included a 10% discount. On my challenge this was all justified by way of claiming the increase was computer driven and there was nothing they could do to reduce it. To that end I have dropped Footman James with the same contempt they have shown towards me. I have now insured with another renowned classic car insurer with better provisions at just £353. This includes full breakdown, home start, recovery, tax and arrangement fee, etc. To spell this out in no uncertain terms, Footman James wanted £182.71 more for providing less cover than that which I now have with another well known provider. In percentage terms that is approximately 51.25% more for less cover. This was nothing less than an outrageous attempt to rip off even though I had been with them for over 8 years. I hope as many people as possible read this review in its entirety. Reviewed on: 25th February 2020

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