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Dylan Dougan


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Review of the NFU Mutual, Car Insurance:
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I had Legal Expenses cover.

I had Legal Expenses cover, it stated I was covered for anything to do with the use or driving a motorised vehicle, I made a claim because I was charged with following an MOD vehicle, I had dash cameras on my car that proved I never followed a MOD vehicle, so I made a claim under my Legal Expenses Policy, but they refused to accept my claim, stating it was not a motoring offence, but the Policy stated anything to do with the driving and USE of a motorised vehicle, the Policy did not mention a motoring offence, they just made that up. Reviewed on: 1st August 2024
Review of the Admiral, Home Insurance:
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Went on to get an insurance quotation for contents insurance, I was on the phone for over 30 minutes, they asked me if I had any claims in the last 5 years, I said no, then they informed me of three claims I had, I advised them that these were with my FAMILY LEGAL EXPENSES POLICIES, No claims for my contents, they advised me of the claims and the claim numbers, they advised me that they did not take into account Legal Expenses claims, BUT I HAD GET THEM PROOF OF THESE CLAIMS, If they have the information why does it not state LEGAL EXPENSES CLAIMS, so they advised me that I have to get proof of these Legal Expenses Claims, Dont waste you time with this company all they want to do is give you hassel as I have had no Contents Insurance Claims for over 30 years, DO NOT WASTE YOU TIME THEY ARE TIME WASTERS. Reviewed on: 29th August 2022
Dylan Dougan's avatar
Dylan Dougan
1 user marked as helpful
Review of the NFU Mutual, Home Insurance:
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NFU and its Legal Insurance Comapny DAS Criminal Organisations

I have now gone to FOS with my complaint about these two Criminal Organisations and the Crooked Solicitor Jackson Boyd in Glasgow that DAS use to defeat your claim. This was a Legal Expenses Claim. I have made a complaint about the refusal of my claim by DAS, I have gone to the FOS. I advise people that have had their claim refused by NFU or DAS to go to the FOS about their refusal of your claim, Remember NFU and DAS are Criminal Organisations out to refuse your claim, NFU took the full 60 days to review my complaint, then they refused it, The NFU and DAS and the crooked Solicitors Jackson Boyd Solicitors refuses to detail where my claim comes under a road traffic offence, The policy legal Expenses Policy says, PERSONAL LEGAL EXPENSES, LEGAL DEFENCE WHAT IS INSURED Item 2. Costs and Expenses to defend an insured person's legal rights if an event leads to their prosecution for an offence connected with the use of or driving a motorised vehicle, I was charged by the Police for allegedly following a MDP vehicle, I have dash camera footage that shows that this never happened, DAS took on my claim under this clause, but that Crooked Solicitors Jackson Boyd in Glasgow stated this was not a road traffic offence, nowhere in the policy does it state only Road Traffic Offences are covered, this was an alleged offence by me driving a motorised vehicle, no damage to my car or to any other car or property would be covered by this Legal Expenses cover, I am only insured for the costs and expenses in defending A charge, but nowhere in this crooked policy by NFU does it say only motoring offences, it states their prosecution for an offence connected with the use of or driving of a motorised vehicle, NO MENTION OF A ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCE. NFU, DAS AND JACKSON BOYD SOLICITORS ARE TOTAL CROOKS OUT TO DEFEAT YOUR CLAIM, I BELIEVE THEY ARE ALL INVOLVED IN THE PROCEEDS OF CRIME AND MONEY LAUNDERING BY TAKING OUT INSURANCE WITH NFU YOU ARE JUST THROWING MONEY DOWN A WELL, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY, GO TO A REPUTABLE INSURANCE COMPANY Reviewed on: 18th June 2022
Review of the NFU Mutual, Home Insurance:
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Corruption and Fraud

NFU us a corrupt company called DAS to process its legal expenses claims, I had to go to the FOS years ago and got compensation about another complaint against DAS, NFU Police states cover for use in connection with the insured driving or the use of a vehicle in the Policy, DAS and Jackson Boyd Solicitors in Scotland stated I was not covered for an alleged offence that I allegedly committed, which I have evidence from Dash Cameras that never happened, and this was in connection with the use or driving of my car. Das and Jackson Boyd refused my Claim, Jackson Boyd is well known for turning claims down, another Legal Expenses company I sent my claim to Jackson Boyd about again said I was not covered for that claim, this other Legal Expenses company stated I was covered, so they removed it from Jackson Boyd to another company of Solicotors. So do n ot touch NFU for Insurance as they use a crooked Legal Expenses Company DAS and a Crooked company of Solicitors in Scotland called Jackson Boyd. All you are doing is wasting your money, nothing is covered by NFU or DAS all they will do is reject all your claim Reviewed on: 17th May 2022
Review of the Lloyds Bank, Personal Loan:
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Keep Clear of this Bank

Keep Clear of this Bank I went into the Bank of Scotland to draw out Cash from my Lloyds account, as I was in Scotland which has no Lloyds Branches. I went into the Bank, people were in front of me in a cue and people came in behind me, a woman approached me and asked me what I wanted, I told her I had come into the Bank to draw out cash, she then asked me how much cash I wanted, I told her £1000.00, she said that was a large sum of cash. (RUBBISH) 50 years ago when people were paid in cash, I used to go to the Bank every week and draw out between £250.000.00 and £255.000.00 in cash to pay employees. Then she asked me what the cash was for, I then told her it was none of her BUSINESS, then she proceeded to confront me and telling me how I should pay for items, she said that shops were only taking card payments, I told her that I always pay cash and no business had refused cash, This conversation was in front of other customers, so some of them could have left the Bank and phoned a criminal and given them a description of me and when I left the Bank they could have attacked me and stolen the £1000.00 pounds I had just withdrawn from the Bank, I then proceed to the teller to get my cash, then another woman came along and said I want to explain, I told her to shut her mouth, I did not want to hear what she had to say, I came into the Bank to withdraw cash not for a confrontation or an interrogation and told how I must pay for anything. I then got my money and left the Bank, this was all recorded on my Body Camera. I believe these two woman were LESBIAN MAN HATING WOMAN. I am not going to be dictated to by a Bank that went Bankrupt in 2008, because they were FINANCIALLY ILLITERATE. Two weeks later I got a letter from my Lloyds Bank which said. WE ARE WRITING TO YOU FOLLOWING THE INCIDENT OF VERBAL ABUSE AT THE UNION STREET BRANCH ON THE 2ND APRIL 202O. IF THERE IS A REPEAT OF THIS OR ANY OTHER SIMILAR INCIDENTS THEN WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE THAN TO GIVE YOU NOTICE TO CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT. THIS IS IN-LINE WITH OUR UNACCEPTABLE CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR'S POLICY. IN THE MEANTIME WE HAVE MADE A RECORD OF THIS INCIDENT AND THE ACTIONS WE HAVE TAKEN ON YOUR PERSONAL CUSTOMER FILE. IF YOU'RE UNHAPPY ABOUT ANY ASPECT OF OUR SERVICE, YOU CAN FOLLOW THE PROCESS OUTLINED IN THE HOW TO COMPLAIN BROCHURE WE'VE ENCLOSED IN THIS LETTER. NO BROCHURE ENCLOSED. SIGNED MANAGER NO NAME. THIS LETTER WAS NOT ON LLOYDS HEADED PAPER, NO MANAGERS NAME IT WAS ON A PLAIN PIECE OF PAPER WITH NO ADDRESS OF MY LLOYDS BANK, ONLY POST BOX NUMBERS. I CONTACTED LLOYDS BANK HEAD OFFICE ABOUT THIS AND ASKED WHAT HAD BEEN PUT ON MY PERSONAL CUSTOMER FILE, THEY ADVISED ME NOTHING WAS ON MY FILE ABOUT ANY INCIDENT, THIS LETTER WAS DONE BY THE LESBIAN MAN HATTING MANAGER AT THE BANK OF SCOTLAND MADE OUT IT HAD CAME FROM MY LLOYDS BANK. (FRAUD) I THEN WROTE A LETTER TO MY LLOYDS BANK ASKING FOR AN EXPLANATION ABOUT THIS LETTER, AND THAT THEY HAD NOT ENCLOSED A COPY OF THE COMPLAINTS BROCHURE, I ALSO EXPLAINED THAT I HAD THIS ALLEGED VERBAL ABUSE ALL ON MY BODY CAMERA. I ALSO ASKED FOR THE MANAGERS NAME, I GOT NO REPLY, I THEN WROTE A COMPLAINTS LETTER TO THE CEO OF LLOYDS IN LONDON, RECORDED DELIVERY, AGAIN I GOT NO REPLY, I THEN WROTE TWO MORE LETTERS TO MY LLOYDS BANK RECORDED DELIVERY AND GOT NO REPLY, I HAVE CONFIRMATION FROM THE POST OFFICE THAT THEY WERE DELIVERED. I WENT TO THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SERVICE AND THEY WOULD DO NOTHING, AS THEY ARE FUNDED BY THE CORRUPT BANKS, I AM NOW IN THE PROCESS OF A SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST TO GET ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS INCIDENT AND THE DETAILS OF THE MANAGER AT THE BANK OF SCOTLAND THAT WROTE THAT FALSE FRAUDULENT LETTER TO ME. KEEP CLEAR OF LLOYDS BANK AS THEY REFUSE TO ADDRESS COMPLAINTS FROM CUSTOMERS EVER AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL, AND KEEP CLEAR OF THE BANK OF SCOTLAND WRITING LETTERS ON PAPER STATING IT WAS FROM ANOTHER BANK AND SIGNING THAT FRAUDULENT LETTER, REMEMBER THAT BANK PROTECTOR CAROLINE WAYMAN THE CEO AT THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SERVICE WILL NOT HELP YOU. Reviewed on: 29th October 2020

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