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Review of the Car Cash Point, Logbook Loan:
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I have been threatened with Violence

Firstly let me tell you now that the FCA are investigating this firm for Malpractice. Do not under any circumstances use this firm to borrow any money. I shall explain. I borrowed funds prior to the Corona Virus Pandemic as I only wanted a short loan. When the Pandemic hit my business was forced to close so I had no income. By Law they had to offer 6 months of deferrals which they did but due to the new Lockdown in December I explained that my business had been forced to close and that I would make reduced payments until the lockdown ended. They said no and gave me 5 days to pay or they said they would take my car away. They said they would send people to my house and that they were ex police and that they would break my legs if I did not give them my car. I was scared and called the police. They said that they cannot threatened you with violence. My wife and I are in fear of our lives. We have a 4 year old and cannot sleep. I called the Financial ombudsman and have filed a complaint. They said that the company must respond but they have not. They just use threats of physical violence which is vile and disgusting. This is a Mafia operation. Reviewed on: 12th February 2021

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