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Gwynneth Clegg


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Review of the Starling Bank, Current Account:
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Lack of support from the Post Officce.

Since I started using Starling Bank. any problems I have had have been overcome extremely quickly, One problem that always niggles is that if the cash machine is out of order the Post Office won't help you but they will help anyone from any other bank. Reviewed on: 12th October 2024
Reply from Starling Bank Glad you've had a good experience overall. Sorry the Post Office hasn't been the same. You should be able to take out a maximum of £300 at the Post. However, not all Post Offices will be able to do this all the time due to the amount of cash held. Response date: 22nd October 2024
Starling Bank Logo
Starling Bank
Review of the Starling Bank, Current Account:
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Starling is more efficient and helpful

Since joining Starling Bank due to the fact that NatWest closed in the Village where I live the service I now receive is so much better. In fact Service couldn't be better and as a result I couldn't be happier. Reviewed on: 15th April 2024
Review of the gohenry, Kids' smart money app & debit card:
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Good quality

This is a great way for a child to save and also to limit their expenditure. It also makes them feel grown-up. Reviewed on: 18th April 2021
Review of the Starling Bank, Current Account:
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Very Good Quality

I had to find a new current account as Marks & Spencer are closing all their current accounts. I saw an on-line video about Starling Bank and knew that this would be the account for me as everything is done by App on my phone. My switch date was 19th March and I am extremely impressed. First of all with the card itself as all your information is on the back. The App itself tells you exactly what you have spent each day and what is due to come into your account. For instant is has a circle in the middle of the App which states what you have spent on a particular day. If you tap on it, it will give you a breakdown as to where exactly you have spent it. It also shows direct debits going out the following day and any incoming money. The other benefit was that you could use your card for Contactless purchases straight away. This suits me really well because I only have to check my phone to see where my money is going which is great. I am sure that I am going to become more happy when I have familiarised myself completely with the services available on this card. So far I am extremely happy and would recommend it Starling Bank to any of my friends considering switching banks. Reviewed on: 29th March 2021

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