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Rachel H


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All reviews (21)
Review of the ClearScore, Credit Check:
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Easy to use and good explanations

It is free to use and provides lots of details of your credit score and explains what everything on it means. It gives you tips on how to improve your score and finances as well as coaching videos. The pages are well laid out and comprehensive. You get a monthly email with special offers and a reminder to check your score. The only thing I had a problem with was answering some of the questions when signing up as it asked lots about bank accounts - I have had so many it was difficult to know which ones they were asking about. I also struggled to remember an address I was living at 20 years ago! Reviewed on: 1st May 2017
Review of the Barclays, Current Account:
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They sent my contactless card to the wrong address!

I recently moved and was told by Barclays I had to tell them my new address in a branch. I did this and they typed it into an ipad. I then had a statement and paying in book e-delivered to me from a neighbour at a similar address - Barclays had written that down instead of mine. I informed Barclays of their mistake straight away and told them my correct address yet over a week later they sent a contactless debit card to the wrong address! Thankfully the person living at that address was honest and put it through my letterbox - had they not been it could have been a whole different story. After all this I discovered I could actually change my address my self online and had Barclays told me this to begin with I could have saved a loss of stress and hassle. This has really lowered my faith in this bank. Reviewed on: 7th February 2017
Review of the John Lewis, Home Insurance:
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Wouldn't insure me!

I tried to get a quote for contents insurance as my Grandmother had previously had good rates for her buildings insurance with them. However, they wouldn't insure me as the postcode was in an area at risk of flooding even though I live in a 2nd floor flat, a long way from the river. My Grandmother, who lives closer to the river than me, in a bungalow did get insurance! Reviewed on: 28th December 2016
Review of the Nationwide, Fixed Rate Mortgage:
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Excellent value for a first time buyer

I got a first time buyer's mortgage through the Nationwide recently and they have been really helpful, especially when I've contacted them with lots of questions as I am new to the mortgage game. The mortgage itself is at a very competitive rate and had no arrangement fees - in fact I got £500 cashback after completion! I also had the very welcome bonus of a new home box delivered on the day I moved in full of goodies and useful items - everything from teabags, biscuits and mugs to a home magazine, toilet paper and kitchen roll. They have a secure message system online which I have used a few times and they always get back to me quickly with the correct information. I already had two other products with them to it was easy to log into the system. I would definitely recommend them as the branch staff are also helpful and friendly and there are still lots of branches around. Reviewed on: 14th November 2016
Review of the MORE THAN, Home Insurance:
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Good rates and cover but poor customer service

I have just taken out contents insurance with them as their's was the best rate and cover for me but so far their service has left me very unimpressed. The first problem I experienced was with having online quotes emailed to me. It let me save one but then it would not let me do any more with the same email address as it said 'this address is already registered'. I therefore phoned up and, after going through the quotation and policy in some detail, I was told that, due to an error on their system, I couldn't insure personal possessions away from home for £500 - it had to be a minimum of £1000 and this put the cost of the policy up further. Had I continued to take out the policy online I would have been none the wiser as I would have been able to cover for just £500. They explained there may have been problems further along the line with this as I may not have been covered properly or may have had to pay an additional premium. I then had issues with registering and logging into my account online - they sent two emails containing temporary passwords - one email was addressed with my correct name and the other with my name followed by random letters and numbers - neither password worked. I spent 30 minutes on hold trying to resolve it by phone but I gave up as it cost so much to call. I emailed customer services - they left me a voicemail asking me to call back but the number they left didn't work and I have sent two further emails including a complaint but have not yet heard back - it has now been over a week. All of these problems have not instilled any confidence in them so I hope I never have to make a claim! Reviewed on: 13th October 2016

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