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Bridget Carroll


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Review of the Holidaysafe, Travel Insurance:
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Don't buy insurance if you have AF

I had paid for multi-trip insurance. I had told them about an existing medical condition - paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation that I developed after the Covid vaccines.. Whilst I was away on holiday, I was offered a cardiac ablation (which I had previously turned down) but subsequently decided to accept it. I had the procedure - which has a high success rate of curing AF - when I returned home. I rang up to inform Holidaysafe that I had had the procedure to cure AF and they charged me £43 MORE! I wasn't informed at the time of booking that there would be an extra charge if I had a CURATIVE procedure. Moreover, I wasn't told either at the time of booking the ANNUAL policy that if I had the procedure, I would not be insured to travel for 6 weeks afterwards. If I'd known this, I would have obviously booked a single trip insurance, because I couldn't be covered for 6 weeks of a 52-week policy. I was booked to go on holiday 5 weeks and 3 days after the ablation. I told this to Holidaysafe and asked if cover could be suspended for the 4 remaining days and then reinstated as soon as the 6 weeks post-procedure were up. They took ages to get back to me, then rang me whilst I was abroad to tell me that they were cancelling my insurance altogether. I have booked insurance for myself and my three children for over 12 years previously and made no claims, but I will NEVER book with them again. They failed to give me full disclosure or full information about what would happen if I had the ablation procedure (a standard treatment) at the time I paid for annual insurance and they did not act reasonably when I was honest and made a reasonable request for the insurance to be suspended until the 6 weeks was up. This was only 4 days, but no - they left me without insurance when abroad. How is this reasonable? Or fair? The Complaints procedure was hopeless. Reviewed on: 21st August 2024
Review of the Voyager Insurance, Travel Insurance:
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Staff were friendly, informative, helpful

Staff were friendly, informative, helpful and seemed honest. I was able to buy insurance even though I was already abroad. I had a range of options offered. Reviewed on: 21st August 2024
Review of the Holidaysafe, Travel Insurance:
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Good choice of policies

There are various levels of cover, which are clearly explained, in some detail. It's easy to complete the application on line, but there is also a customer services number too. The policy is detailed too and easy to follow, despite being extensive. I have not made any claims, but have been purchasing insurance through Holidaysafe for a few years, without problems. Reviewed on: 29th September 2017

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