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Review of the H&T, Pawnbrokers:
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Don't trust this company!

Don't trust this company!! They have sold 6 items of jewellery to an auction On 6 different contracts and 6 different items ranging from £100 to £400 all items were sold in auction. The fishy thing is all 6 different contracts ended being £10.26 in deificiet. That's like winings the lottery. What are the chances of all 6 items sold at different prices leaves £10.26 in deificiet. I made a complaint to h&t and asked to see the statements off goods that were sold to prove they haven't messed about with the figures. I was told by a manager that he will need about 1 week or 2 to gather the statements together from auction. The funny thing 1 month later I get a final response letter from h&t saying we are not obliged to show you proof of sale of your goods. Now work it out for yourself I say this company is messing about with figures and blatantly robbing me and probably loads more customers. I'm starting court action I'm bypassing the ombudsman going for cutthroat straight away. As I'm adamant that h&t are scamming me and all other customers. My advice is stay away from h&t as there unfair and not straight. I came into difficulty and pawned my goods and couldn't afford to pay back in time. But this doesn't give h&t the right to give me made up paper work showing under sold jewellery. This is corrupt and I will go through every possible way to expose this to the public. Reviewed on: 28th April 2022

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