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Review of the SalaryFinance, Employee Benefit:
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pure frustration

At first all went well with them. Then I used the loan service. The money came straight away, and they were supposed to take it back from my following salary, which they did. Then a direct debit was set and they took the sum again from my bank account. Then the following month they were going to take it once again. It was really hard to get answers and to sort this out and get my money back. It took a couple of weeks. Then I find out that they suspended my account. And when I go and ask via chat (only way to talk to them apart from emails that they respond to after 7 days), and the person in the chat says on their system it appears that I have been suspended due to missed direct debit repayment?? I cannot believe they made a mistake, took a long time to make it right, then punished me for what they did? Unbelievable. Reviewed on: 19th August 2022

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