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Review of the One Sure, Insurance Broker:
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Liability insurance claim

Had public liability insurance through these. When taken out the question was asked if I have a none payer am I covered. The answer was yes so I took the insurance out. 2 years later I get a none paying customer. I was then put through to a department which assessed my case, It then gets referred to a solicitor who again assessed my case. Hurd nothing off them for weeks so chased up to be told the solicitor had left the company, apparently paperwork had been mailed to me before they left the company. This I did NOT receive, Was told they would remail the paperwork and get another solicitor to call me next day with update, Nobody got in touch… weeks later I get an email saying they had done a land search on the person that owed the money, however they did not own the property so they had he’d than 51% of getting the money back so they were closing the case.!! Basically they are saying if you don’t own your house you don’t have to pay for anything as there is nothing you can do.. I then get a renewals letter stating I should renew with the same company as they provide excellent claims handling. I went into onesure with the renewals letter and explained what had gone on.. they diddnt want to know hence my renewal was certainly cancelled straight away. If it seems to good to be true it usually is.. avoid this company cheap premium terrible service. Reviewed on: 1st February 2023

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