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Carlos Garcia


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Review of the Vitality, Car Insurance:
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Vitality car insurance

This is a review for their car insurance. I would not trust them with my car insurance, it also makes me a little distrusting of my life insurance with them. In short, these company does not seem very honest, competent or reliable. I got car insurance with them a few weeks ago, and just 2 days before the policy starting I had to call them as I made a little error in one of the drivers DofB. I was informed at that point that my policy was immediately cancelled as their underwriters had change their t&cs after I took the insurance and they no longer covered Porsche cars. I explained that with only 2 days of insurance they put me in an urgent position to find an alternative insurer and that it was going to be considerably more expensive (we all know that insurance is cheaper if arranged 3-4 weeks before the renewal date, as I did when i got the Vitality policy). I requested, therefore, some compensation. The lady had the nerve to tell me they were already waving the cancellation fee!! They were cancelling my policy themselves and they wanted to charge me for their cancellation??? They have the courage to charge you £70 (I think is what the lady said they were "waving")if you change your mind, yet they can cancel with immediate effect whenever they feel like (luckily I still have 2 days remaining with my current insurer, otherwise I would be immediately uninsured). As it often happens with some of these big companies, it was like talking to a wall, always receiving scripted answers. I am happy I am not insured with Vitality any longer, you want competent honest people in charge when you do need advice for an emergency or accident. You never know, though, until something happens how the insurers will behave, but in my almost 30 years of driving I have never found somebody as cheeky and lacking on interest or care for their customers as Vitality car insurance showed today. Reviewed on: 23rd February 2023
Review of the MBI Autoguard, Warranty:
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Just don´t do it, keep your money and find a different insurer Reviewed on: 6th February 2023

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