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Michelle Robinson


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Review of the Scottish Widows, Pension:
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Minus stars given....DO NOT use Scottish Widows

Minus stars given....DO NOT use Scottish Widows, if you want easy access to your own money as stated in previous reviews or in my case if you need to pay for a loved ones funeral. My mum paid into a pot to pay for her funeral in the innocent belief it would help her family out when she departed this life but we have now been ruthlessly placed into debt during the cost of living crisis by Scottish Widows, who will not release my mums money to pay for her funeral as stated in her last will and testament! This is blatantly going against a legal document, please do not use Scottish Widows at all, for anything unless you don't want easy access to your own hard earned money or to simply stay out of debt for trying to follow a loved ones last wishes. Now we are in debt until we manage to save up for probate...which then takes months to get. From this experience with this shoddy company, I will certainly never use them. I'd be better off if my mum had kept her money under her mattress, at least then I wouldn't be in debt, with no end in sight for months. This company needs investigating and placed under the same level of scrutiny as it's mislead customers are. I am mourning the loss of my mum and this all adds to the anxiety. I wonder if they would like to go through the awful experience of dealing with a company who refuse to part with other peoples money at a time when you need all the help you can get. Reviewed on: 21st July 2023

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