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Review of the Teachers' Pensions, Pension:
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There are words in the dictionary that adequately describe this service

You'd have to join a few up with hyphens and add an exclamation mark or two. This is what you are up against. I simply want my contributions returned. I no longer wish to be part of the scheme. TPS hold my contributions. I am not eligible to receive anything that the employers have contributed. So it's only the money that the TPS has that I can get. And yet - they still need ME to send out forms to the employers to confirm service for money that they already have. What is this new manifestation of insanity? They have the money, I am not entitled to anything else, they have to account for tax and NI and then they can pay it out - except they have to ask someone else before they can. In triplicate (Not joking). No wonder they deal predominantly with retirees - they're the only ones with enough time to navigate this idiocy. Reviewed on: 24th July 2023

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