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Review of the London Community Credit Union, Savings:
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Very Unprofessional - Not a friendly or good place to work avoid at all cost!!

This credit union should be closed down. it is run by Peter Edwards who has no idea how to run a credit union and is proud to talk about his 70k + wage and interest in becoming a politician but does nothing to improve the credit union for the community or the staff that works there. This is clearly shown by the negative ratings received and the poor customer service provided. There is no structure and staff behave as they please and contact to resolve issues in the credit union is not nonexistent. Their board of committees does not have any meetings or communication with staff to help improve the credit union. Ramune Konce is a narcissistic bully who has abused staff and created a hostile working environment by verbally swearing at staff and bringing staff to tears at most times. several grievances have been taken out on this individual and Peter has protected her by promotion due to her length of time and knowledge of the system at the credit union. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!! Reviewed on: 2nd August 2023

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