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Review of the Drive Like a Girl, Car Insurance:
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Just rubbish...

I'm writing on behalf of a very upset friend. They have just had their policy cancelled, let me begin by saying they are a really good driver. They tried time and time again to log onto 'my portal' but each time to have the web page crash. The company never ever sent one letter (apart from the cancellation letter) but once called they claimed to have sent loads; they must be invisible.They have also claimed they sent loads of emails as well, but the recurring pattern is, the only email they received is the cancellation one. So the only reason this review has one stars is because there is no option for no stars. So they are now left with the rest of the bill until the end of their policy their policy has gone up by hundreds. SO from the experience they have had I wouldn't want anyone else to go through it. Reviewed on: 25th July 2018

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