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chris sangster


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Review of the SalaryFinance, Employee Benefit:
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Accepted for a loan told will be processed in two working days, third day in being told it's going to be another three working days from today. After speaking to someone for the fifth time I'm being told its 5 working days because they can't be bothered to process so there is a back log and the information they give you on the site hasn't been updated to reflect how poor a service they're providing. You raise a complaint and they assure you they'll send a reference number only for no emails to show up. It gets even better lol, tell them if it isn't resolved by the end of the day you'd like to cancel the agreement only for that to be the only thing they can do instantly and is unable to be undone even in their error Date of experience: 21 September 23 Reviewed on: 25th September 2023

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