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Andy Conlon


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Review of the loveit coverit, Gadget Insurance:
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AVOID AVOID AVOID I should have read previous reviews before thaking out this policy. I insured 2 handsets one a work phone which after an 8 minute conversion with customer cate was happy to do.I asked were both covered 24/7 as I powered off my work phone after hours. As I worked security Damage and theft was my main concern. My phone was stolen . I filled police reports,blacklisted the device and provided .all documentation including proof of purchase ,ownership and usage. Loveitcoverit delayed the claim constantly asking for more information which i provided. The claim was refused as I did not provide proof of usage to the point of the theft. So technically if you are not using the phone up to the point of the loss/Theft you are not covered .IT DOES NOT say in the terms and Conditions the time frame between the last usage and the loss / Theft. Absolutely dishonest company. Roll on legal action & Financial regulator Complaint. Loveitcoverit today sent this quote from the terms and Conditions "In the event of a claim you must be able to proof of usage from your network provider that confirm your gadget has been in use since policy inception and up to the event giving rise to your claim" no mention of how long before the event 1 minute,1 hr,1 day,1 week nothing. The perfect loophole to avoid paying out on a claim. I genuinely look forward to fighting this in a court of law Reviewed on: 7th November 2023

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