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Muthuthanthrige F


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Review of the HSBC Kinetic, Business Account:
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i am a HSBC customer and wanted to open an kinetic a...

i am a HSBC customer and wanted to open an kinetic account for newly started business, i have started the process on 27th November 2023, and the app keep failing to process to step 3, once i put my personal data, the app says (oops, we are having some technical issues, please try again etc,) tried a whole month to open, ang i gave up, started to chat online and they told me to go to my local branch and they will open a business account for me, took my phone and the branch said they never seen a error message like that, and gave me a number to call the kinetic team, rang them, it was woman who was on the phone, she said she couldnt understand why this is happening and said she will ask one of the kinetic technical people to give me ring and guide me with this, more than 10days, (dont think this technical people exist ) and i tried again, (my first name is Muthuthanthrige, i have removed E on the end used Muthuthanthrig and the app start work, so finally uploaded all the documents and received a messeage saying, i must use the name as appeared on my ID, great, i rang them to let them know what happend, im sure u can guess the answer from them, yes. "we will ask one of the technical people to call you" lol still waiting Reviewed on: 15th January 2024

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