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Hayley C


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Review of the Equifinance, Mortgage:
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Absolutely ludicrous!

Had a snotty letter from this tin pot organisation threatening me with a field agent visit for £9.25 arrears......yes I said £9.25...not £925.....or £9250...........£9.25...which I have no idea how they have calculated this because the payment is £219 per month and I always pay £220 so should be makbe a couple of quid in credit! It stated that a field agent would be attending my property if I did not phone them with in 2 working days of the date of the letter. News flash, Equifinance, 1st class post in this country does not mean next day any more, a testimant to this is the fact your letter arrived on the morning of 21st of September and the date of the letter is the 18th.....that's my first issue. The second issue is that the purpose of the 'field agent vist' is to agree an affordable payment plan............for £9.25, new income and expenditiure details and an affordability check ..........for £9.25! What will I be charged for this utterly ridiculous 'field agent vist' between £75 and £125!!!! Not happening Equifinance if you dare send anyone to my property for an arrears amount of less than £10 I will be making a formal complaint to the Financial ombudsman service! You are not allowed to use bullish scare tactics like this. Can I suggest that rather than you sending what is clearly a generic letter which appears to have not even been reviewed by an actual person, (I say that and I really hope that's the case because the postage, paper, ink and envelope will probably have cost more that the actual 'arrears') you use your common sense and either capitalise or leave on the account! You are an absolute joke, no other mortgage company would even bother writing for that pathetic amount......which again I have no idea how you have calculated it because I always pay 'pence' over! I have now paid £25 so should be £15.75 in credit!!! Please make sure this is checked by a real live person because as I have stated above if you waste my time with a field agent visit and try to make me pay a comparatively stupendous amounf of money for an unecessay visit, a full complaint will be made! We are putting our house up for sale within the next month and are currently in the process of getting the mortgage sorted for the purchase of a new house and I have to say I will never have dealings with an absolutely ridiculous company such as yours ever again! Utterly ridiculous! Reviewed on: 22nd September 2024
Review of the Zopa, Personal Loan:
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Utterly incompetant

Thanks for your review! Zopa Add photo Your review is pending.Read more Hayley Capel 3 reviews GB Utterly incompetant! Zopa advised me I was preapproved for a £7500 consolidation loan. I wasn't looking for a loan but it was offered and after some consideration thought, yes ok I'll go for it, reduce some interest/payments and free up some cash. They needed to confirm my income so I gave them access to my bank account, added payment details signed the forms etc. This was Saturday afternoon, by Sunday morning I recieved an email from them telling me they were unable to confirm my income ?!?!?!? I get paid every month, the same as everyone else into the bank account I gave them access to. OK, fine I thought I'll upload a payslip.....dated in the last 5 weeks and showing that I actually earn £1000 more per annum than I have added to the application. By the next morning....guess what......another email telling me they unable to confirm my income ?!?!?! It's a pdf payslip in the format they asked for but apparently that was still insufficient. I call them and speak to the most nonchalant and unaffected customer service representative who when I explain I am concerned my application may be declined because there seems to be an issue with the documentation I keep trying to upload. She goes off and approximately 3 minutes later comes back and tells me I should ignore the email. Guess what?! Today I get an email from them telling me they have declined the application I submitted for the loan THEY OFFERED me! I am raging! My borrowing power is 6, its a consolidation loan that they OFFERED TO ME not that I applied for or was even considering and they have declined me based on my affordability and income? I now have a hard search on my file which I only agreed to because the loan was 'preapproved' and no loan! They did this to my Husband aswell! If you are going to do this then at least change the wording 'preapproved dependant on circumstances' so at least consumers have the full facts before falling into a honey trap! I have a credit card with them which I will be paying off as soon as possible and closing the account as I refuse to do business with a bunch of incompetent clowns such as zopa! Absolutely disgusting! Reviewed on: 16th January 2024

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