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Review of the Royal London, Life Insurance:
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Delay all claims must be company policy!

Started a claim for total disability insurance in July 2023 for my wife and Royal London have done everything they can to delay. We offered them an independent medical exam at the start but they requested medical reports from our GP then they asked for more then more a third time as they tried to show that we lied on the application form which we didn't and all the evidence they've now had shows that we didn't. They now want a medical examination which is delaying our claim even further. I don't understand why they didn't do this at the beginning as I offered it to them? Why wait till the end? My wife has ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia all are noted by the world health organisation as incurable, she can only walk very slowly with the aid of a walking stick, struggles to lift a kettle of water. Lost her job due to her illness. She has various aids now fitted around the house to help her yet Royal London say that she may get better so this may not be permanent?? What the world health organisation are wrong? We are now in mortgage arrears and worried that we'll lose our home and despite this I've asked numerous times how much longer this going to take for a simple decision yet can't get a straight answer. It's like talking to a politician. Wish I could rate no stars. Was told when I took this out that should something happen this will provide peace of mind and help us in our time of need as it'll be easy to claim? Something has happened and this has been the most stressful thing ever! Reviewed on: 13th March 2024

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