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Eddie L


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Review of the Welendus, Loans:
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Not For Me!!

I am writing to express my disappointment with the recent experience I had with Welendus. Several months ago, I applied for a loan with Welendus for the first time and was approved instantly, which was a positive experience. However, when I recently attempted to apply for a new loan, I was informed that I was unable to receive a second loan without any explanation. I want to highlight that I have a history of successfully paying off my prior loan in full and have never been late with any payments. The lack of transparency and communication from Welendus regarding the reasons for not approving my second loan application has left me feeling frustrated and confused. The inconsistency in their decision-making process is concerning, and it has impacted my trust in their services. Overall, I must say that my recent experience with Welendus has been disappointing and unprofessional. I wanted to bring this matter to your attention to ensure that the necessary improvements are made to provide better customer service and transparency in their processes. Sincerely, Eddie Lawshea Reviewed on: 4th April 2024

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