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Review of the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society, Current Account:
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From refusing to provide telephone advice about a suitable account I could transfer a large sum of into; it was impossible to visit a branch as I had moved to London, and have poor computer/internet skills so couldn't open an internet account, this mattered not a jot. Either visit a branch or open an internet account. Very limiting. And now they have accused me of providing a fraudulent document - it certainly isn't, and they are ignoring the assurance of a solicitor on the matter. Essentially, they are accusing me of being a criminal. Because of this they have prevented me from taking up a work offer in Spain. And last but not least, most of the branch staff are helpful and polite but I had the misfortune of dealing with one very rude member of staff a couple of years ago. My advice is to take your money elsewhere Reviewed on: 5th November 2016

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