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Bud: Financial Marketplace reviews

Based on 151 reviews, last reviewed 29th Mar 2021
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Intelligent Open Banking A real leader in open banking innovation Reviewed on: 29th March 2021
hotelromeo's avatar

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Not enough providers linked Having been a frequent user of mint in the US, I was excited to try Bud when I moved to the UK. However, my initial enthusiasm was quickly dissipated ... Read more Reviewed on: 17th January 2017
Bob g's avatar
Bob g

About this product

Looking to see what other people think about Bud, the financial aggregator & marketplace? If you want to use all your finance services in one place, see what our community is saying about Bud, and decide if it's what you need. Already using Bud? Let us know know how you're getting on, and help others decide if they need Bud in their lives!

Bud Financial Marketplace reviews (151)

Review of the Bud, Financial Marketplace:

Helping people improve their financial wellbeing

As well as working with many smaller fintechs and SMEs, Bud has signed a global contract with HSBC - proving confidence in Bud's platform. Reviewed on: 8th January 2020

Finally ...

I can find all my bank accounts in one place, I don't have to log in to five different websites with five different sets of pins and passwords to get an overview of my finances any more...I can just log on to Bud. It's SUPER handy. Reviewed on: 14th December 2016

You know a disruptor when you can't categorise it in a review

First of all, this is a great platform; Buds platform will be known for one of the first to break out as introducing open banking to the masses. I've signed up to beta test back in November after reading an article on the proposition. Gaining insights across my mutually exclusive accounts, has made me more aware of my spending habits, and also think what other services I could utilise to reach my spending & saving goals. The team have been fantastic in receiving feedback, and at each step maximised the contact opportunity to gain further customer feedback. This award would no doubt be the first in a long line. Well done to all the guys at Bud, can't wait to see what's next! Reviewed on: 14th December 2016

Extremely helpful

changing my attitude to managing my money - it doesn't have to be difficult with bud! Reviewed on: 8th December 2016

simple. straightforward. tidy

It is easy to understand It is straightforward- lets me assess clearly with simple graphics how I spend my money When you understand that -it is easy to see where you can save cash! Reviewed on: 8th December 2016

Great holistic finance app

Great app that aggregates all finance related activities in one place. Very user friendly. Would highly recommend this app. Reviewed on: 18th November 2016

Fantastic service

Great way to make your money go further. Transparency at its finest. Reviewed on: 18th November 2016

an amazing and innovative product that makes keeping control of your finances and therefore your life that easier

What an incredible product. I can easily see all my finances and be truly honest with where I'm at financially. No more head in the sand around money, I can take control of all of my money nice and easily! Reviewed on: 18th November 2016

Awesome product!

Awesome product, really helpful Reviewed on: 17th November 2016


Has transformed my relationship with my finances. Makes life so much easier. Reviewed on: 16th November 2016

Transforming financial services

Tell the financial sector that you are an individual and want to be in charge of your own money and not be limited by what the banks and traditional vendors want you to do for no real added value Reviewed on: 16th November 2016