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Car Insurance Reviews: Your Take

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Updated 20th July 2022 | Published 22nd July 2015

With hundreds of car insurance reviews covering over 30 of the UK's leading insurance companies, we've been reading some really interesting and insightful comments.
Car Insurance Reviews: Your Take
Car Insurance Reviews: Your Take

With hundreds of car insurance reviews covering over 30 of the UK’s leading insurance companies, we’ve been spoilt with some really interesting and insightful customer comments. In this post we take a look at some of these reviews and what you have been telling us about car insurance in the UK.

Review stats:

  • With an average rating of 4.73 / 5 - lots of happy customers having been leaving Tesco Bank reviews
  • 33% of reviewers mentioned “price” in their comments – the most focused upon aspect of all our reviews
  • Showing that service still matters - 30% of all reviewers mentioned “customer service”
  • 21% focused on the length of time that they’ve been with an insurer. While some customers are brand loyal and quite happy to stick with their insurer (even if a better deal comes along), a number were disappointed with rising premiums despite this loyalty
  • 20% discussed the claims process. Finding an insurance company with a competitive quote and a good claims process remains vital

Note: Insurance companies with fewer than 10 car insurance reviews, haven’t been included in our league table

Loyalty is a two way street

We all love loyalty – and it seems that on the whole our Smart Money People reviewers are a happy and loyal bunch, which is great to see. But as many reviewers point out, loyalty is a two way street, with reviewers feeling like their loyalty should be rewarded.

Take a look at these two reviews.

For NorthernCarDriver it’s not all about price, as quality customer service helps to justify a higher price:

“I've looked around for better quotes, and sometimes I can find a cheaper company, but I always stay with them. Things just work.”

This Admiral review shows that loyalty shouldn’t mean having to haggle with their insurer to get the best deal:

Happy drivers

Clearly many customers are pretty happy with their car insurance. Across the industry customer satisfaction: as a whole the sector gets 4.3 / 5 overall, 8.3 / 10 for likelihood to recommend, 4.2 / 5 for value for money, and 4.4 / 5 for customer service. Whilst Tesco is the overall leader Diamond led the race in the “value for money.” Take a look at some Diamond reviews.

Did you know that car insurance premiums for under 21 year olds are almost 4x more expensive than those for drivers 50-64 years old? Well, according to industry experts we are entering a phase of rising prices in the car insurance pricing cycle, meaning that some happy drivers may yet turn unhappy when it comes time to renew. This also makes comparing really important.


Comparing car insurance is important – even if you want to stay with your existing provider – in fact knowing that another provider is offering you a better premium might help you to better negotiate with existing insurer (take a look at Olga’s Direct Line review below). Comparing the market that is increasingly easy – and reviews from current customers is a great place to start.

And finally remember, as this Swinton review shows, not all Insurance companies are great at everything, so remember to do your research before signing on the dotted line!

Search for more insurance reviews and add your own to help other customers find the best car insurance for them.

Written by Smart Money People Team

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