Cambridge & Counties Bank reviews
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Cambridge & Counties Bank reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Excellent based on 2 product reviews
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Launched in 2012, Cambridge & Counties Bank focused on providing asset and property finance products as well as savings products for SMEs. Owned by Trinity Hall (a college of the University of Cambridge) and Cambridgeshire's Local Government Pension scheme, this bank is pretty unique! If you're able to share a Cambridge & Counties Bank review, please do so today.
Reviews for Cambridge & Counties Bank
Showing all company reviews • Last reviewed within 21 days
Best customer experience
Really listened and cared for helping us move forward.
Great Service
The staff are very helpful and dealt with matters very smoothly. The talk me through all I needed to know, and what I had to provided. Great service.
Products from Cambridge & Counties Bank
Showing all products offered by Cambridge & Counties Bank
Asset Finance
by Cambridge & Counties BankCambridge & Counties Bank asset finance reviews can help you to find out more about this bank launched in 2012. What's the process like? How easy is it to speak...
Asset Finance
by Cambridge & Counties BankCambridge & Counties Bank asset finance reviews can help you to find out more about this bank launched in 2012. What's the process like? How easy is it to speak...
Property Finance
by Cambridge & Counties BankCan you help us to find out more about the property finance products offered by Cambridge & Counties Bank? What's the process like? How easy is it to speak to...
Property Finance
by Cambridge & Counties BankCan you help us to find out more about the property finance products offered by Cambridge & Counties Bank? What's the process like? How easy is it to speak to...
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