Cover My Breakdown reviews
Cover My Breakdown reviews
Review summary
People rate this company as Terrible based on 24 product reviews
Latest positive rating
Value for money, clear information
Value for money, clear information
![{"display":"aimz9","full_name":"aimz9","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/images\/default_new.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/images/default_new.png)
Latest negative rating
Avoid, Avoid, Avoid.
Avoid, Avoid, Avoid. Cannot and would not ever recommend this scam company to anyone. They refused my request for service because i briefly left the... Avoid, Avoid, Avoid. Cannot and would not ever recommend this scam company to anyone. They refused my request for service because i briefly left the vehicle to use a toilet as I have a health condition. As a lone female stranded miles from home, they abandoned me and then demanded I pay £125 to them according to their cancellation script. Disgusted by the way they treat genuine customers. Never again. Scammers. Read more Read less
![{"display":"Edwina ","full_name":"Edwina ","avatar":{"url":"\/assets\/images\/default_new.png"}}'s avatar](/assets/images/default_new.png)
About Cover My Breakdown
Cover My Breakdown’s objective is to make buying insurance and getting help as simple and quick as possible. They offer a range of cover that’s designed to protect either you as an individual, or a vehicle of your choice. If you have used this insurance before, please leave a review and tell us about your experience
Cover My Breakdown at a glance
Reviews for Cover My Breakdown
Showing 11 of 24 company reviews • Last reviewed within 7 days
Avoid, Avoid, Avoid.
Avoid, Avoid, Avoid. Cannot and would not ever recommend this scam company to anyone. They refused my request for service because i briefly left the... Avoid, Avoid, Avoid. Cannot and would not ever recommend this scam company to anyone. They refused my request for service because i briefly left the vehicle to use a toilet as I have a health condition. As a lone female stranded miles from home, they abandoned me and then demanded I pay £125 to them according to their cancellation script. Disgusted by the way they treat genuine customers. Never again. Scammers. Read more Read less
Had a breakdown, advisor claimed similar symptom to a previous call out. After lengthy conversation expected me to pay £270 to attend. Cancelled call, will... Had a breakdown, advisor claimed similar symptom to a previous call out. After lengthy conversation expected me to pay £270 to attend. Cancelled call, will never use again and would definitely never recommend. Read more Read less
Products from Cover My Breakdown
Showing all products offered by Cover My Breakdown
Personal Breakdown Insurance
by Cover My BreakdownCoverMy Breakdown offer a personal breakdown policy. The personal breakdown policy covers up to four people in any vehicle. This type of policy means you’re covered whether you’re the driver...
Personal Breakdown Insurance
by Cover My BreakdownCoverMy Breakdown offer a personal breakdown policy. The personal breakdown policy covers up to four people in any vehicle. This type of policy means you’re covered whether you’re the driver...
Vehicle Breakdown Insurance
by Cover My BreakdownCoverMy Breakdown offer a vehicle breakdown policy. The vehicle breakdown policy covers one or more of your vehicles no matter who is driving. You can register up to four private...
Vehicle Breakdown Insurance
by Cover My BreakdownCoverMy Breakdown offer a vehicle breakdown policy. The vehicle breakdown policy covers one or more of your vehicles no matter who is driving. You can register up to four private...
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