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Plum: Savings Account reviews

Based on 11,390 reviews, last reviewed 10th Mar 2025
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Latest highest rating:


Easy way to save Very simple and user friendly interface, has helped tremendously saving spare change which i don't miss. The ability to add and amend saving challenge... Read more Reviewed on: 10th March 2025
Alli Pet 's avatar
Alli Pet

Latest lowest rating:


Unrefined product, still needs work. No annual statements for tax purposes. Broken quick transfers technology. Alarming messages that are badly worded. Reviewed on: 17th February 2025
MG's avatar

About this product

Plum is an automatic savings/personal finance app which can help you save money by making savings automatic. If you're considering using this innovative new app, read our Plum reviews first to see what previous users have said about using the automated savings, in terms of ease of use, accuracy, and amounts saved. Already used the Plum app to help save some money? Share a review with our community and you'll be helping others choose whether Plum is right for them, and to discover the best personal finance apps.

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Plum Savings Account reviews (11390)

Recolutionised my saving

It’s incredible. I’ve barely noticed the money coming out of my account, but I’ve saved in total over £1000. That’s way beyond my expectations. I’m delighted. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018


I absolutely love using Plum, it fits my needs perfectly. Everything is broken down, simple and effective. I can leave it to do it's thing and know my money is taken care of. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Excellent and user friendly savings application

Very easy to use, plain English and straightforward savings application that uses technology to achieve something very useful - it helps you save money! Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Love it

Ive been using plum for about a year now and i absolutely love it. Its helped me save so much without actually realising Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

My perfect money assistant

Plum keeps me up to date on my balance, helps me categorise my spending and automatically saves what I can afford, what more could you ask for? Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Quick, easy and well suited for those who struggle to save money

I joined plum about a year ago and fell in love with its saving power almost instantly. The ability to save so much money without lifting a finger was great. I loved it so much I got my whole family involved! It's great and continue to tell others about it. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Inavasive yet personal

For the first time ever I've managed to save using plum. I don't have to think about it and I know my money is safe. I actually look forward to the daily updates to see how my savings are coming along! Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Best thing that has happened to me!

It is just so easy to save! I don’t need to lift a finger, all is taken care of automatically, and when I check my savings there’s more and more money there! I don’t have to worry about going into overdraft either because the app calculates everything! Brilliant! Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Easiest Way To Save

Plum has been fantastic for me. I have saved without even noticing as Plum takes my balance into account before taking an amount I can afford. The customer service is amazing even though automated, and easy to navigate. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

Savings simplified!

Plum has helped me get out of my overdraft. It gives me the confidence that it’s saving the right amount, instead of the sporadic lumpy method I use myself - and always end up taking back! With Plum I leave the money there and managed to build up enough to get out of my overdraft properly. Reviewed on: 13th November 2018

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